Involvement of patients
The project relies on the participation of patients to existing cohorts, biobanks and a dedicated observation clinical study. All samples and data are collected after informed consent of participants. We thank volunteers for their participation to research.
Expected benefits of participation
The aim of the KidneySign project is to develop and validate non-invasive biomarkers for kidney fibrosis and CKD progression. By identifying patients at lower or higher risk of CKD progression, the new biomarkers would greatly improve CKD management for both patients and doctors.
Patients at high risk of progression will benefit from a more tightly monitoring and nephroprotective therapies, while patients are low risk who receive the the standard of care can be reassured on their health.
By participating in a KidneySign clinical study, you actively participate in the development of new clinical tests that could improve patient management. The KidneySign clinical studies are observational and offer no direct benefits to participants.
The KidneySign project also gives a lot of importance to your vision of health and medicine, that is captured by questionnaires and interviews. If you are a patient and would like to share your perspectives on health and medicine, you are invited to contact the KidneySign research team (
Study participants rights
As a participant of a clinical study, you have the right to stop your
participation at any time with no justification and without
consequences. You may access, verify and correct your personal data and withdraw your
authorization to process such data at any time without justification. To claim these rights, please contact the study investigator who knows your identity or the data protection officer (DPO).
Study name |
Principal investigator |
KidneySign-RDN | Dr Angel ARGILES |
Biopsy Cohort (BIOBAY) |
Biopsy Cohort (BIOINN) | Dr Gert MAYER |
Outpatient |
Dr Gert MAYER |
Provalid |
Dr Gert MAYER |
KidneySign-Inn |